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College of the Moscow Financial-Juridical Academy


General information about the College


Now there is a wide variety of secondary professional education establishments in Moscow . How can one chose what one needs? Our college, attached to the Moscow Financial-Juridical Academy , began its educational activity in 1998 and in the summer of 2003 we had already fourth-year graduates. The College prepares specialists of the middle section called for in modern society: jurists, managers, accountants, computer technicians, and others. Students of the College have an occupational deferment and privileges for public transport in Moscow and the Moscow region. Graduates of the College entered the Moscow Financial-Juridical Academy or RUI without examinations for continuation of their education in a chosen specialty at a reduced course of training.

For the acquisition of full-fledged knowledge all conditions are present at the College: a large auditory fund of educational guides, modern computer classrooms with Internet access, a library, a refectory, and a medical room. In class they can use modern methods of training: seminars, conferences, "round-tables," open lessons. Foreign languages: English (basic) and Spanish (additional) are studied intensively. Video films are shown. The educational process is conducted in accordance with state standards, and educational plans for every specialty are developed for the whole period of training.


Terms of education


We admit graduates of schools after the 9th  and 11th forms. Students entering the College after 9 forms follow a program of the 10th  and 11th school forms during the 1st year. Beginning with the 2nd year, special disciplines in the chosen specialty are studied.

A period of training of 9th  form graduates for all specializations is 2 years 10 months except specializations: Software computing techniques and automation systems (2003), Automation systems of information processing and management (2002) and Computing machines, complexes and networks (2001); a period of training in above-mentioned specializations 2003, 2002, 2001 is 3 years 10 months.

Students entered on the basis of 11th forms are trained 1 year  10 months and 2 years 10 months, respectively.


Conditions of admission and documents for entry


Conditions of admission: Applications are accepted year-round. Studies begin on the 1st of September. Enrolment in the college is based on results of testing and interviewing. Documents for entering: a certificate from school and a document about secondary education, Документы для поступления: справка из школы или документ о среднем образовании,  birth certificate or  passport (for presentation), 6 3x4 photos.


Contact information


If you like our College, come visit us! We are waiting for you. Telephone: 902-32-88, 902-32-77, 902-32-69. The main building of the College – "Bibirevo" metro station, Plestcheev Street 16А; "Kuntsevo" metro station, Vereyskaya Street 29/146.


Correspondence College of the Moscow Financial-Juridical Academy


General information


The correspondence college of the Moscow Financial-Juridical Academy is a structural subdivision of the Academy and prepares students in the field of secondary professional education in humanities and technical fields.

During the educational process long-distance technologies are used:

- an opportunity to study while continuing to work at your main job;

- education is tailored according to an individually composed plan; before studied subjects are counted, methods of input testing are used;

- familiarization with material in every subject is guided by an educator; individual contacts are supported throughout the training;

- a full set of educational materials (as well as audio and video cassettes) is provided to students;

- students have wide opportunities in the distribution of time among training, work and rest;

- usage of Internet and electronic mail for training. Consultations and checking of knowledge.

Entrants accepted to training in programs of correspondence education enjoy all rights of other academy students. They receive student cards and record-books, and signed copies of agreements about specialist preparation.


Terms of education


Educational programs in the college allow students to chose the variant of training which best takes into account previous education and professional experience.


Conditions of admission and documents for entrance:


Conditions of admission

Application are accepted year-round.

Beginning of studies – the 1st of October, and the 1st of March.

Enrolment in the college is based on the results of tests and interviews.

Documents for entrance: a document on previous education, birth certificate or  passport (for presentation), 6 3x4 photos.

Our address: 117556 Moscow , Warshavskoye Chauseé 81, bldg. 2, rooms 202, 222. Telephone: 119-02-13, 119-05-41, E-Mail: college@rui.ru